Services & Solutions

Enjoy peace of mind with service solutions from the experts
Running a refrigerated transport operation isn’t easy. And just keeping a fleet on the road 24/7 takes a substantial amount of time and effort. That’s where we can help. Our range of ThermoKare service solutions enables you to choose the exact solution you need to keep your fleet utilisation UP and your personal time commitment DOWN. ThermoKare service solutions allow us to apply our expertise in keeping your equipment performing at its optimum and so allowing you to focus on your business.
ThermoKare services are delivered by the Thermo King dealer network. The largest network of its kind in Europe, giving you coverage and peace of mind anywhere you go.
All the contract and service data you need is kept safely and available for you on iKare.
Connected Solutions is a technology by Thermo King designed to deliver information that matters to you. Putting this data to work gives you the ability to track and trace individual deliveries across your fleet. You’ll be able to demonstrate temperature levels, meet regulatory requirements and respond instantly to new challenges.